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Hola! soy Arlette, de Costa Rica, Les contaré un poco acerca de mi, me encantan las manualidades, creo que eso fue debido a que mis dos abuelitas las hacían, y como era tan traviesa, fue una forma de mantenerme tranquila. Una de mis abuelitas Isabel, ya cumplió sus 102 años. Estudié Relaciones Públicas, soy soltera, sin hijos. Imaginense que triste sería la vida sin colores..., mis colores favoritos, son los colores tierra, aunque no tengo alguno en especial que me desagrade, a no ser por los colores chillones o fosforecentes, creo que no "soy compatible" con ellos. Muchas gracias por tomarse el tiempo y visitar mi blog, me gustaría tener muchas amigas!!!. I'm Arlette from Costa Rica, I'll tell you a bit about myself, I love to make crafts. I studied Public Relations, I'm single and don't have kids My fave colours are the brown shades, although I don't dislike any. Thank you for stoping by, please leave me a comment that way I'll know you been here and I'd like to have lots of friends!

sábado, 16 de enero de 2010

I have been MIA for a while, been real busy and as a plus my dad's at the hospital, and I stay with him 16/7, he's recovering and he's going to be out of it real soon, hopefully. He's sick, thanks to the weather we're having!. Thank you so much for your emails, they mean the world to me!, and I'm still alive!. Other than that, I'm in holidays from my quilting lessons, I'll come back to my school in february, gosh!, we're almost there!...

Some news about me: finally my grandma reached her 101 years old!!!, my dad was expecting to go to her bday party, but he missed it, because he was at the hospital that day, he asked my mom and me to go to the party, it wasn't exactly a "big party", just a small one with almost all the family.
My aunt from Nicaragua came by, my other uncles (one in Nicaragua and the other in the US), didn't came, they gave her a call.
She's with a good health, her vision's perfect, she walks if you help her, she almost doesn't get sick, she only complains a little bit about the food, well she'd like only eat junk food, all day lol.

She was licking her fingers with her cake, lol!
My mom and my grandma!.

Next pics are from the sky one of this pasts days when I went out early in the morning, can you see how funny and cute the clouds look like?, we use to say here, if you see that in the sky it's a signal an earthquake's going to hit, it doesn't have a scientistic point of view, but believe it or not, it happens!!!, we had an earthquake early in the morning the next day.

Don't laugh at me, I tested and it works!, lol.

Now, in other notes, I'm still shocked with the earthquake in Haiti, I can't believe the Nature made that to them, some of you aren't going to feel an earthquake, but it's one of the worst things to happen and feel!, we use to have them, I heard in the news the power of the quake that hit Haiti was the same as the atomic bomb, my heart goes out to the people involved in the Haiti
earthquake. So much loss and suffering, I wish I was there to help.
We all can make a difference, I've read some bloggers are trying to help, Kelly from I have a Notion, there's an etsy shop here, I'm going to posts the links here, if I find another one, if you can't buy anything, go to the local Red Cross or The Salvation Army then, or wherever you want to go and donate, we have to help them, they REALLY need us!

23 comentarios:

  1. sigo yo de necia....ESCRIBA EN ESPAÑOL!!!...esta en Costa Rica...y muchas queremos saber que escribe.

  2. I'm happy your father is getting better. How wonderful that your grandmother reached her 101st birthday and is in good health, too!

  3. Hola Arlette: me alegra saber que tu papa, ya esta mejor. Felicidades también a tu abuelita por sus 101 años !!! que maravilla, se la ve muy contenta y feliz, enhorabuena por seguir disfrutando de su compañia.Cuidate y descansa después de los dias que pasaste. Un abrazo, Laura.

  4. thank you for your visit and partecipation to my candy. I hope your father is well. Happy birthday to your Grandma (even if late). hugs to you

  5. Muchísimas gracias por participar en la celebración de mi taller. espero que tengas mucha suerte.


  6. Guess what? You won the Mainichi Giveaway on my blog! Please email me at spotty_zebra@hotmail.com with your mailing info. Congrats!

  7. WoW!!! Happy birthday to your grandma. You have a lovely blog and do some lovely work. x

  8. Best wishes for your father! Happy birthday to your grandmother, too.

  9. Wow...a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your grandmom and pleased that you are so proud of her, I would be too . x x x

  10. Hi Arlette! I hope your father gets better soon. Happy belated birthday to your grandmother. 101 is amazing! My uncle's mother just celebrated her 100th birthday. She likes junk food too. :) Thank you for your sweet comment. Have a great weekend!

  11. So happy that your dad is doing better and congrats to your grandma for reaching 101.
    All the best,

  12. Hola Arlette ya de vuelta yo paso a saludarte y desearle a tu abuela un feliz cumpleaños un poco tarde pero al fin, muchisimas gracias por tu visita y tu hermoso comentario!!. Mira que te espero para que organices un SAL asi aprendo un poquito animate seguro va a salir muy lindo.
    Un beso enorme, enorme Rosana.

  13. Thank you for putting my give-a-way on your blog. I surely enjoy your blog, and hope you will enjoy mine also. Have a great day. Love your quilts, and blessings to your family.

  14. WOW.. your grandmother is 101...
    Hope your Dad is better now.. and you can keep those clouds over your way... we don't need them here.... LOL
    Cath Ü

  15. Thank you for stopping by. Happy Happy Birthday to your Grandma!!! That is so wonderful!
    **blows kisses** Deborah

  16. how wonderful that you have your healthy grandma
    at 101!!! My grandma passed last year at age 104
    unfortunately she wasn't in the best of health,
    so lucky you!!!
    Gotta listen to some of the old wives tales, sometimes they ring true, I hope the earth quake wasn't a very big one?


  17. what a milestone birthday and she looks great! melinda

  18. Gracias por visitar mi blog! Que bendicion tener a tu abuelita y a tu mami contigo. Dile que le mando felicidades desde California, y que se ve preciosa! :o)

  19. Congratulations to your Grandma and I hope your Dad recovers quickly!

  20. I hope your dad is doing better. How wonderful that your grandmother turned 101, that's incredible. It sounds like she's happy and healthy, have you asked her secret??

  21. Thanks for visiting my blog!. I hope your father is o.k. now, my father is in the hospital too, but I hope,, he will come home quick. Congratulation to you grandmother 101 birthday!

  22. WOW! 101!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your Grandma xxx I pray for your dad's good health xxx


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