Espero que hayan tenido una maravillosa Navidad. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, para hacer todo distinto, he estado muy ocupada, y también me dio un resfriado que no se quería ir, I have been busier than ever, and I got a cold, but everything's ok now, it got me a while to recover, gosh!!!
No puedo creer que este año está a punto de dejarnos, yo amo la Navidad, pero no despedir el año, del cual ya me había acostumbrado..., siempre me pone triste. I can't believe this year's almost gone, I love Christmas, but I hate to say goodbye to the year and specially when I got used to it..., it's sad for me.
Les mostraré unas fotos que les estaba debiendo, en ningun orden en particular. I'll show you some pending pictures I needed to show you, in no particular order. Decidí participar en algunos intercambios, y que mejor fecha que hacerlo en Navidad?, de por si es sólo una vez al año, y fueron mis primeros intercambios del mundo blogueril. I decided to participate in some swaps (Parsley I missed yours :(, not my fault!!!), what's better to make it during Christmas?, my fave time of the year?, it's just once a year!!!!
Ya les he puesto algo de ésto en mi entrada anterior, pero ahora que todos los regalitos, están enviados y entregados, éste es el resumen. En el Intercambio de Najma, mi compañera fue Beatriz y esto fue lo que me mandó, el Santa lo tengo cerca de mi computadora, para verlo a cada momento, está lindo, l-i-n-d-o!!!!, la tarjeta la pusé en mi arbolito de Navidad. Había que hacer un adorno colgante y una tarjeta de tela
Mi compañera a la que le tenía que enviar era Gem, en Argentina, duró tantísimo tiempo en llegar, más de un mes, ya tenía todo listo para reclamar en el correo, y empezar la Tercera Guerra Mundial, pero ya le llegó, y se los muestro, no quise enseñar nada antes, para no arruinar la sorpresa, y que ella fuera la primera en verlo. Voy a tener que hacer estas dos cosas para mi, me gusta como han quedado...
En el Intercambio de Laura, de Tiernas Puntadas, tenías que enviarle a la misma persona que te envío, y ésto fue lo que me mandó Gaby, no es una belleza, me van a decir?, aparte de eso, estamos cultivando una linda amistad.
Esto fue lo que le envié, me gustó mucho como quedó, tendré que hacer uno para mi, hablando de estar ocupada!!!
En el foro en el que estoy, ya me llegó el dedal del mes de Noviembre (está lindo!!!), pero esto si, tienen que esperar para ver las fotos!!!!, y también me apunté a un intercambio de Navidad del que estoy esperando que me lleguen los regalitos, yo sé que Navidad termina hasta el 6 de enero!!!: Estamos a 363 días de la próxima Navidad!!!
Datos personales
- arlette
- Hola! soy Arlette, de Costa Rica, Les contaré un poco acerca de mi, me encantan las manualidades, creo que eso fue debido a que mis dos abuelitas las hacían, y como era tan traviesa, fue una forma de mantenerme tranquila. Una de mis abuelitas Isabel, ya cumplió sus 102 años. Estudié Relaciones Públicas, soy soltera, sin hijos. Imaginense que triste sería la vida sin colores..., mis colores favoritos, son los colores tierra, aunque no tengo alguno en especial que me desagrade, a no ser por los colores chillones o fosforecentes, creo que no "soy compatible" con ellos. Muchas gracias por tomarse el tiempo y visitar mi blog, me gustaría tener muchas amigas!!!. I'm Arlette from Costa Rica, I'll tell you a bit about myself, I love to make crafts. I studied Public Relations, I'm single and don't have kids My fave colours are the brown shades, although I don't dislike any. Thank you for stoping by, please leave me a comment that way I'll know you been here and I'd like to have lots of friends!
lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010
lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010
El tan esperado III encuentro de blogueras ticas, fue el pasado sábado 27/11, en la tienda de Emi, pasamos una tarde muy amena y entretenida, con unas demostraciones que nos dió Lily, de una linda canasta de tela y unos preciosos muñequitos para poner en la perilla de la puerta. Me dió un gusto tremendo encontrarme con caras que ya tenía el placer de haber visto (y algunas de ellas son mis amigas en el facebook) y también conocer a las que se aparecieron por primera vez, a las que faltaron, se perdieron de algo que estuvo muy bueno, pero también fueron extrañadas... Ya les mostraré más fotitos, como son tantas fotos, estoy haciendo "collages" de ellas, porque si no, esta entrada sería kilométrica, jajaja, asimismo estaré agregando más fotos, así que si no se ven en ellas, vengan después y talvez ya las he agregado!!!!
Nos pidieron que llevaramos algunos de nuestros trabajos para mostrárselos a nuestras amigas, fueron pocas las que los llevaron, aquí están los trabajos de Ana, Lily, con los cuales ganó premios, Ale A., con un venadito bordado y Zandra con ese lindo tulipán y esa carterita.
Esta es la invitación al evento:
En mis quehaceres de patchwork/quilting estoy haciendo trapunto, es algo muy laborioso!!!, ya se le había hecho un hoyito a mi dedo, pero ya acabé la parte de hacer el hilván a todo el contorno, las puntadas tienen que ser muy parejitas, y eso es lo que cuesta, ahora sigue la parte de rellenar y poner hilos de lana a las partes que ocupan "cordón", esta técnica de quilting, siempre había llamado mi atención.
*****Ahhhhh***** Les cuento algo muuuuuuy especial!!!!, ya me llegó el paquete de Gaby, del blog "Una mancha de luz" , me ha dejado flotando en la nube número 9 por todas las cosas tan bellas que me ha mandado, ya mostraré las fotos, para que vean las bellezuras que me envió, ese ha sido su inter conmigo, porque fuimos compañeras del Inter que organizó Laura del blog Tiernas Puntadas. Gaby, lo que me diste, me llegó al alma, muchísimas gracias!!!!, me ha encantado todo!!!!, lo atesoraré por siempre, otra de las cosas que me alegra también es que ella y yo nos hemos estado comunicando regularmente, espero que eso no termine, y más bien aumente con el tiempo!!!!, si no la conocen, vayan a visitar su blog, no se arrepentirán!!!.
He tenido un poco de días locos, pero muy llenos de satisfacciones!!!!, por lo menos, así será hasta que mis clases terminen, ya están próximas a terminar, espero que todas ustedes se encuentren bien, les mando abrazos a través de la pantalla de la computadora...
domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010
Hola a tod@s!!!, cómo están?, pueden creer que ya faltan un poquito más de un mes para la Navidad?, este año si que se ha ido volando!!!, les muestro una foto que debí haberles mostrado hace tiempo
Hello to you all, how are you all doing?, could you believe we're going to be in Christmas in 34 days, this year have been fly away. I'm showing you pic of a quilt I made last year, and I didn't show you how pretty it looks in one wall of my home
Todavía no ha llegado ese clima delicioso, que tenemos en mi país cuando se acerca la Navidad, algunos de ustedes no creen que tenemos una Navidad tropical, pero es un clima bello!!! We still don't have the nice weather we get around Christmas, some of you don't understand about a tropical christmas, but trust me, it's really worth it, you need to check by yourselves.
Les muestro algunas fotos de algunas cosas que he recibido en el correo, las últimas semanas. este primero es del intercambio de Najma, mi amiga secreta fue Beatriz, les cuento que tenía mis sospechas de quién era mi amiga, pero cuando vi el sobre, obviamente, que no acerté, jajajaja. Muchísimas gracias Beatriz y a Najma por organizar el inter. **LA FOTO LA TOMÉ DEL BLOG DE NAJMA, NO ENCUENTRO LA MÍA**, apenas la encuentre, la cambio
I'm going to show you some pics of gifties I've received, last weeks. this one's from Najma swap, my partner was Beatriz, I was suspicious about my partner was, but when I got the package, I had no clue!!!, lol, it's always a nice surprise
Parsley del blog Seasons from my mind, me mandó este regalito, "sólo porque si", porque nosotros no tenemos otoño aquí, ella y yo hemos estado hablando y me mandó algunas cosas otoñales, para que así pueda tener un pedacito de otoño en mi casa, me encantó todo, lo atesoraré por siempre!!!, si ustedes no la conocen, vayan a dar un paseo por su blog.
Parsley from the blog Seasons from my mind, sent me a "just because" gift to me, since we don't have fall here, she's so sweet, because we have been talking and she sent some fall stuff that way I can have a bit of fall here, I loved everything, I'll treasure it forever!!!, if you don't know her, go and take a look @ her blog (I'll change the blurry pic as soon as I get my cam back)
The Eclectic Quilter, me mandó este PIF, todo está precioso!!!!, créanme, que en persona se ve mejor, ella me mandó, una cinta métrica, chocolates, que no duraron mucho, una tarjeta y un calendario
The Eclectic Quilter, sent me her PIF gift to me, everything's gorgeous!!!!, trust me, it looks better in person, she sent me, a bag, a measuring tape, chocolates (they didn't last long), a lovely card and a calendar for next year, please, remember if you'd like to join my PIF all the info about it, it's in the sidebar of my blog, you can check it out.
Finalmente, pero no significa que no es importante, ésto es lo que me ha llegado de intercambio en un foro en el que estoy. De verdad sucede cuando recibes algunas cosas quitan el sin sabor que han dejado otras situaciones. Me lo dió una chica llamada Barbie, no está todo lindo?, pueden ver el dedal?, es de su país
Finally but not least, this a swap I got in one of the forums I am in, all the goodies were sent by Barbie, I was delighted to get everything yay!!!!, can you see the thimble?, it's from her country
Estoy esperando que lleguen otras cositas en el correo, también el inter de "Tiernas Puntadas", que Gaby es mi compañera, se notará mucho que estoy deseando que llegue?, especialmente por el hecho, que ella no quiere mostrarme nada, jajajajaja
Espero que todo en sus vidas les esté yendo muy bien, hope everything's going good in your loves, Tengan una linda semana, have a great week!!!
domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010
Hola a tod@s, Hello to all of you, tengo una confesión que hacer... he sido una mala bloguera, y me he ganado un premio por eso, I have a confession to say I have been a bad blogger and I got a prize for it, no he escrito nada desde hace meses, me tomé un descanso, pero nunca pensé que me tomaría tanto tiempo el regresar. I haven't write anything since a long time ago, and I'm still amazed it took me a long while to come back. He estado muy ocupada aquí y allá, pero ya estoy de vuelta finalmente!!!I have been really busy, here and there, but I'm back finally !!!Por favor acepten mis disculpas, y muchísimas gracias para tod@s los que me han mandado lindos mensajes (ustedes saben quienes son:)) y los que están en mi lista de seguidores. Please accept my apologies, thank you SO much for all my friends who sent me emails (YOU know who you are :)), and the ones who are in my followers list.
Tengo un montón de cosas que contarles y enseñarles, estoy trabajando con un montón de proyectos, I have alot of things to tell and show you, I'm working in alot of projects, my head's full with them, and I'm almost getting insane, lol pero iré poco a poco, mientras vuelvo a tomarle el hilo al blog, ya les mostraré
Para que vean uno de mis avances, éste es un edredón el cual estoy acolchando, me ha gustado mucho como ha quedado, lo tedioso, es precisamente hacerle el acolchado, le estoy haciendo el quilt in the ditch, This is one of my projects, I've shown you the block I made, now I'm working with the quilt, defitinely one of thing I love more (NOT), lol I love to stitch in the ditch, and I'm making that
Tengan tod@s una linda semana, Have a happy week everyone!!!
Tengo un montón de cosas que contarles y enseñarles, estoy trabajando con un montón de proyectos, I have alot of things to tell and show you, I'm working in alot of projects, my head's full with them, and I'm almost getting insane, lol pero iré poco a poco, mientras vuelvo a tomarle el hilo al blog, ya les mostraré
Para que vean uno de mis avances, éste es un edredón el cual estoy acolchando, me ha gustado mucho como ha quedado, lo tedioso, es precisamente hacerle el acolchado, le estoy haciendo el quilt in the ditch, This is one of my projects, I've shown you the block I made, now I'm working with the quilt, defitinely one of thing I love more (NOT), lol I love to stitch in the ditch, and I'm making that
Tengan tod@s una linda semana, Have a happy week everyone!!!
ps: espero que los ojitos de alguien hagan "chiribitas", jajajajaja, besos!
domingo, 11 de abril de 2010
jueves, 1 de abril de 2010
Por favor, necesito de su ayuda. Please, I need your help!!!., continuen leyendo. Keep reading!!!!
Laura del blog Todos mis bordados hizo un reto para su nuevo blog Tiernas Puntadas, ella quería que hiciéramos una labor referente a dulces y golosinas, desde hace muchos meses yo tenía en mente hacer unos "quequitos" (así le decimos aquí a los pastelitos) en un quilt, no sé porque los quería hacer, ya tenía las telas listas, entonces leí acerca de su reto que ella nos propuso y ése fue el empujón que necesitaba y éste es el resultado, te gustan?, entonces por favor vayan a su blog Tiernas Puntadas busquen dónde dice Votos trabajos Reto Dulces y busquen el "Trabajo 22" (está del lado derecho del blog) y estén seguras de votar por el Trabajo 22 que es mi quilt!!!!.
Laura from the blog Todos mis bordados made a challenge for her new blog Tiernas Puntadas, she asked us to make a project about candies, since some months ago I had in my mind to make a cupcake quilt, I don't really know why, I had the fabrics ready, just waiting for the right time to make, then I read about the challenge she asked us to do, it was a big push for me to make it!!!!, do you like my quilt?, if you do, then please go to the blog Tiernas Puntadas and check on Votos trabajos Reto Dulces and look for "Trabajo 22" (it's in the right side of the blog) and be sure to vote for the Trabajo 22, that's my quilt!!!!.
miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010
I'm so excited my quilting classes are already here, my teacher's a sweetheart, we're going to make a quilt for the bed (it's going to be the major quilt), then we're going to make some some experienced medium size quilts, I'm in the second level so we're going to make some "puzzles" I call that way the non easy easy steps to make a quilt!.
I'll show you the blocks I made already for the quilt bed size. I'm done with all of them, I'm working in the sashing and then the borders, I'll delight to have a long arm quilter close to me *sigh*, lol, I'm so glad the way they're turning, btw!
The mail has been "good" with me, :) I got some pretty nice beautiful things :), I need to show them, the pics are still in my cell phone, need to be downloaded, hope the kind ladies who send me the goodies don't mind I haven't blogged about it yet.
I'll show you the blocks I made already for the quilt bed size. I'm done with all of them, I'm working in the sashing and then the borders, I'll delight to have a long arm quilter close to me *sigh*, lol, I'm so glad the way they're turning, btw!
The mail has been "good" with me, :) I got some pretty nice beautiful things :), I need to show them, the pics are still in my cell phone, need to be downloaded, hope the kind ladies who send me the goodies don't mind I haven't blogged about it yet.
domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010
I'm back from a long break, I'm so sorry it took too long. I was busy and life got really trouble maker..., everything's getting to normal once again. I have been a busy bee with quilting, my curse already started and I'm all excited because our first project to do is a big quilt with blocks for my bed,I'll show you the pics tomorrow, I love the way they're turning!!!. My class is Quilting II.
The purpose of today post is: I'll show you some gifties I won over the past weeks, I'm showing them and let you know how kind that people are!!!, I like to do that because seems unfair to me, all the effort they made for send the stuff and not have pics displayed.
I got this beautiful angel thanks to Sweet Jeannette, her name's "Hope", I love the way she was made, Jeannette used tea for dying the cloth and laces, I have her hanging in one of the walls of my home, she looks so cute there. I'm an angel collector, I'm delighted with her because I didn't have a handmade angel yet!!!!, isn't she cute?
I have been guilty and I played along in One World, One Heart Giveaways. I have been lucky enough to win 4 of them, I already have 2 of the goodies I won, I'm avid expecting to get the other ones (from Deedra and Wendy), also I won in the past and I'm waiting to get some magazines from Hazel and other one from Rae Ann. I love to wear jewerelly, I wear mostly silver, but I love everything with stones on it. This bracelet has rose quartz and jasper, and was made for Quiltmom, I love the colors she used, did I say I love brown shades, she included a lovely card!, I know the pics aren't posted in the right way, I'll fix it later on, blogger's giving me a hard time!
Ms Kitty was made for Carrie, isn't she so cute?, it's made on paper clay, she's in a special spot in my home, she loves to live here, although we're having high temperatures and heat waves, but she doesn't complain at all. She's so damn cute, believe me, colors don't make justice with her!!!
Well last but no least, I got this big box from Jennifer from Feathers in the Nest, she's a really talented lady who loves to cross stitch, she's really fast working on it. Take a look at her blog and you'll see her work. She's the mommy of Ren and Abbie, 2 cute chihuahuas, I'm thinking to post a pic of them, but you'll have to see them by yourselves, ahhhh, she's hosting a giveaway right now, now you must have to see her blog!!!. I won the cute frame with the cardinal and the "Welcome" chart and charms, then she told me she was going to include another surprise, to be honest I was expecting only the frame and I got tons of stuff to smell yummy!!!!, I love all of it, I love all the smells, ahhhhh...., just for the record, she sent me a chocolate box, and they're already gone, scrumptions!
The purpose of today post is: I'll show you some gifties I won over the past weeks, I'm showing them and let you know how kind that people are!!!, I like to do that because seems unfair to me, all the effort they made for send the stuff and not have pics displayed.
I got this beautiful angel thanks to Sweet Jeannette, her name's "Hope", I love the way she was made, Jeannette used tea for dying the cloth and laces, I have her hanging in one of the walls of my home, she looks so cute there. I'm an angel collector, I'm delighted with her because I didn't have a handmade angel yet!!!!, isn't she cute?
I have been guilty and I played along in One World, One Heart Giveaways. I have been lucky enough to win 4 of them, I already have 2 of the goodies I won, I'm avid expecting to get the other ones (from Deedra and Wendy), also I won in the past and I'm waiting to get some magazines from Hazel and other one from Rae Ann. I love to wear jewerelly, I wear mostly silver, but I love everything with stones on it. This bracelet has rose quartz and jasper, and was made for Quiltmom, I love the colors she used, did I say I love brown shades, she included a lovely card!, I know the pics aren't posted in the right way, I'll fix it later on, blogger's giving me a hard time!
Ms Kitty was made for Carrie, isn't she so cute?, it's made on paper clay, she's in a special spot in my home, she loves to live here, although we're having high temperatures and heat waves, but she doesn't complain at all. She's so damn cute, believe me, colors don't make justice with her!!!
Well last but no least, I got this big box from Jennifer from Feathers in the Nest, she's a really talented lady who loves to cross stitch, she's really fast working on it. Take a look at her blog and you'll see her work. She's the mommy of Ren and Abbie, 2 cute chihuahuas, I'm thinking to post a pic of them, but you'll have to see them by yourselves, ahhhh, she's hosting a giveaway right now, now you must have to see her blog!!!. I won the cute frame with the cardinal and the "Welcome" chart and charms, then she told me she was going to include another surprise, to be honest I was expecting only the frame and I got tons of stuff to smell yummy!!!!, I love all of it, I love all the smells, ahhhhh...., just for the record, she sent me a chocolate box, and they're already gone, scrumptions!
lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010
I haven't blogged in a while, my apologies, I have been around, but no posts from me to you to share, thank you so much for your lovely comments about my grandma, she's doing great, and the health of my dad, he's out of the hospital, and he's totally recovered now!
While I was away, of blogland, I got some prizes I've won. Wendy sent me a bunch of fat quarters, aren't they adorable?, there's a fruit fabric there, hmmmm, the colors are breath taking...., they look better in person, the colors are brighter, I'm looking forward to use them, I love them!!!!
I got the purse I won over Mary Anne Ciccotelli, (check her blog, she's making a 3D quilt right now), she made a contest for a chance to win such a cutie, what can I say?, I'm thrilled, I love the color, the big buttons, the size!, it's perfect for me!!!, I'm not a tall person, that's why!, lol. I don't know why the pic came out "yellow", I'm going to take a better pic later.
I can't believe we're already in the second month of the year... where did january go?, I'm in holidays from my quilting school, so I'm having a rest, I'm working in my PIF gifts, hope to finish them soon and mail them out, my school's going to start in the middle of february, I can't wait!!!!, our first thing to do, it's kind of "mistery quilt", my teacher just asked us for the fabrics, I have the fabrics ready, she told us, it's going to be a big quilt!. I miss my quilting classes, and my partners, and making projects there as well, we're almost in the beggining of a new year of productive quilting!, yay!
While I was away, of blogland, I got some prizes I've won. Wendy sent me a bunch of fat quarters, aren't they adorable?, there's a fruit fabric there, hmmmm, the colors are breath taking...., they look better in person, the colors are brighter, I'm looking forward to use them, I love them!!!!
I got the purse I won over Mary Anne Ciccotelli, (check her blog, she's making a 3D quilt right now), she made a contest for a chance to win such a cutie, what can I say?, I'm thrilled, I love the color, the big buttons, the size!, it's perfect for me!!!, I'm not a tall person, that's why!, lol. I don't know why the pic came out "yellow", I'm going to take a better pic later.
I can't believe we're already in the second month of the year... where did january go?, I'm in holidays from my quilting school, so I'm having a rest, I'm working in my PIF gifts, hope to finish them soon and mail them out, my school's going to start in the middle of february, I can't wait!!!!, our first thing to do, it's kind of "mistery quilt", my teacher just asked us for the fabrics, I have the fabrics ready, she told us, it's going to be a big quilt!. I miss my quilting classes, and my partners, and making projects there as well, we're almost in the beggining of a new year of productive quilting!, yay!
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